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Bhok Ra Bhittaharu

Author: Daulat Bikram Bista

Bhok ra Bhittaharu is the Nepali fictional novel written by Daulat Bikram Bista. The first edition of this novel was released on 2038 B.S. by Sajha Prakashan. Serially, the novel reached to the 7th edition and is released on 2074 B.S.
The novel key narration points out the mid-class people of Nepal. Harkey, Chandrey, and jungey are the lead characters of this novel. They used to live near to Baneshowr.

Harkey in company with Jungey delves into one of the work to go deeper into the real-life of Nepali people, which turns illegal. Later on, Harkey gets caught by police and he spends 15 years of life in Jail. After leaving jail, his life’s main aim turn to take revenge from Jungey. Harkey also had one daughter but father and daughter both are unknown about their relationship.

So, the story is full of comic, sentimental, emotion and the relationship of Father and Daughter.

Bhok Ra Bhittaharu – Audio Part 1

Bhok Ra Bhittaharu – Audio Part 2

Bhok Ra Bhittaharu – Audio Part 3

Bhok Ra Bhittaharu – Audio Part 4

Bhok Ra Bhittaharu – Audio Part 5

Bhok Ra Bhittaharu – Audio Part 6

Bhok Ra Bhittaharu – Audio Part 7

Bhok Ra Bhittaharu – Audio Part 8

Bhok Ra Bhittaharu – Audio Part 9

Bhok Ra Bhittaharu – Audio Part 10

About the Author:
Daulat Bikram Bista is the first person to receive Mahendra Pragya Puraskar in 2030 BS. He receives this award in his masterpiece novel Chapaiyeka Anuharharu. Similarly, in 2045 B.S he receives Madan Puraskar for the novel Jyoti Jyoti Maha Jyoti. Bhok ra Bhittaharu is one of the successfull and highly reviewed novel from Bista.

Listen to the audio version of Nepali novel Bhok ra Bhittaharu written by Daulat Bikram Bista. The audio version of Bhok ra Bhittaharu was released in Ujyalo Network program Shruti Sambheg.

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