Watch Nepali movie Johnny Gentleman in 15 Minutes ft. Paul Shah, Aanchal Sharma
UR Style pictures in associate with AG Entertainment presents Nepali action and love story movie Johnny Gentleman is directed by Nitin Chand and produced by Andrew Poudel. In the movie, Paul Shah is presented as lead male role and Aanchal Sharma is presented as lead female role. Beside the lead actor and actress the movie introduces Bikash Joshi, Jaina Kuwar and Santosh Silwal Giri in the side role. The story of the movie is written by Mahesh Dawadi.In the movie, the song is presented with the lead vocal of Anju Pant, Suresh Lama, Hercules Basnet, Brijesh Shrestha, Swachit Shakya and music composition of Arjun Pokharel, Hercules Basnet, Brijesh Shrestha, Swachit Shakya.
Watch Nepali Movie JOHNNY GENTLEMAN in 15 Minutes.
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