Nepali Pop song Thaha Chaina official song by Rajan Shankhar 6 years ago With the lead vocal of Rajan Shankhar Nepali pop song Thaha Chaina released. The music of this pop song is composed…
Watch Nepali Summarize movie LILY BILY 2018 ft. Pradeep Khadka, Jassita Gurung & Priyanka Karki 6 years ago Summarize version of Nepali love story movie "LILY BILY" is available to watch and is attached below. Love Story…
Yo Ta Maya Ho lyrical video from the movie Kaira ft. Aaryan Sigdel and Smaragyee RL Shah 6 years ago With the lead vocal of Sugam Pokhrel and Shreya Sotang, the lyrical video of the song Yo Ta Maya Ho from the movie…
SAYA official movie song by Pushpan Pradhan ft Ashish Piya, Rewati Chhetri 6 years ago With the lead vocal and music composition of Pushpan Pradhan, first song "SAYA" from the movie SUMMER LOVE…
Watch Nepali short movie Bishwasghat Sathi ft. Sushil Bhandari & Asmita Shrestha 6 years ago Nepali short movie Bishwasghat Sathi released. The movie is based on the True friendship and its importance. The…
Nepali Pop Song Maya Timi by GM Rai ft. Nirajan & Rekha 6 years ago Along with the lead vocal of GM Rai, music composition and lyrics of Tika Bomjon the Nepali modern song Maya Timi…
Movie song Yo Maya from the movie Zindagi Rocks by Puspan Pradhan 6 years ago One of the song "Yo Maya" from the movie Zindagi rocks released. With the lead vocal and music composition of…
Summer Love Official Movie teaser released ft.Suraj Singh Thakuri, Ashish Piya, Rewati Chhetri 6 years ago New Nepali upcoming love story movie "Summer Love" released their official movie teaser. The movie "Summer Love" is…
Watch Nepali Full movie Diarry | Rekha Thapa ,Chuulthim Gurung,Sunny Singh 6 years ago Fully Love story based Nepali movie Diarry is now available to watch Full movie. The movie Diarry is directed by …
MAALEEKA Nepali movie trailer released ft. Rekha Thapa, Kamala Oli 6 years ago MAALEEKA is the new upcoming Nepali movie set to release from Kartik 16, 2075 (2nd Nov, 2018) all over Nepal.…
Yi Aakhama Timi Chhau official song from the movie Nai Nabhannu la 5 released 6 years ago One of the favorite song Yi Aakhama Timi chhau from the movie Nai Nabhannu la 5 officially released. In every…